Your Cash Flow Simulator

The simulator is based upon the Cash Flow Code:

Using the 6 keys that control cash flow

As a business owner, you want the hard work you put into your company to give you the biggest possible return. After all, who would want to increase profits by only £10,000.00 when, with the same amount of effort, you could increase them by £40,000.00?

At the same time, you do not want to work hard to increase your profits, only to find you actually have no money in the bank!

The Cash Flow Simulator enables you to forecast your profit and cash flow for the next 12 months based upon simulating any changes you may make to your company.  This allows you to test what will make the biggest impact to your business before actually taking action and enables you to plan strategically for your company’s development and growth.

To begin using the simulator, you will need to input the seven key numbers achieved in the previous 12 months. These numbers can be found in your company’s Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss and Cash Flow Statements, which are:

What you can use the simulator for


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